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Post Info TOPIC: Complain to these Churches

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Complain to these Churches

I'm not Christian, so they probably won't listen to me, so I ask of you who are, to complain to these:

A list of churches that contribute to the program are listed below.

Church of the Open Door - San Rafael, California
Bellevue Baptist Church - Cordova, Tennessee
Germantown Baptist Church - Germantown, Tennessee
Grace Evangelical Church - Memphis, Tennessee
Second Presbyterian Church - Memphis, Tennessee
Central Church - Collierville, Tennessee
Christ United Methodist Church - Memphis, Tennessee
Hope Presbyterian Church - Memphis, Tennessee
First Evangelical Church - Memphis, Tennessee
Kirby Woods Baptist Church - Memphis, Tennessee
Palos Park Pres. Comm. Ch. - Palos Park, Illinois
Evangelical Covenant Church - International Falls, Minnesota
Brit Hadasha Congregation - Memphis, Tennessee
First Assembly of God - Andrews, Texas

And the QAC researched it and put out a call to action, so here's addresses

Churches Supporting Love in Action:
Church of the Open Door - San Rafael, CA
San Rafael Community Center
618 B Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
2130 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
415.457.5646 (fax)
Pastor: Mike Riley
Bellevue Baptist Church - Cordova, Tennessee
2000 Appling Rd.
Cordova, TN 38016
Bellevue Baptist Church
P.O. Box 1210
Cordova, TN 38088-1210
Associate Pastor: Mike Dougharty
Director, Communications and Media: Jim Barnwell
Germantown Baptist Church - Germantown, Tennessee
9450 Poplar Ave.
Germantown, TN 38139
901.260.5725 (fax)
Senior Pastor: Sam Shaw
Executive Pastor: Pete DeMoss
Grace Evangelical Church - Memphis, Tennessee
9750 Wolf River Blvd
Germantown, TN 38139
901.756.9695 (fax)
Pastor: Dr. James R. Young, III
Brit Hadasha Congregation - Memphis, Tennessee
6320 Quail Hollow Road
Memphis, TN 38120
General and Website:
Another listed email:
Second Presbyterian Church - Memphis, Tennessee
4055 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111
Senior Minister: Rev. Sanders L. (Sandy) Willson
Pastoral Executive: Rev. Darrin S. (Rocky) Anthony
Congregational Care: Rev. Paul W. Swets
Central Church - Collierville, Tennessee
2005 Winchester Blvd.
Collierville, TN
Senior Pastor: Rev. Ernie H. Frey
First Assembly of God - Andrews, Texas
302 NW 10th St
Andrews, TX 79714
Church of the Open Door - San Rafael, CA
San Rafael Community Center
618 B Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
2130 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
415.457.5646 (fax)
Pastor: Mike Riley
Church of the Open Door is a unique church that opens its arms to all. We
hope everyone feels welcome no matter what their status in life may be. We
believe God's heart is for all people to have a safe and secure place where
they are loved and respected. Our church welcomes those who are tired and weary
as well as those who are rested and ready to go!
New Hope
This associate ministry of our church ministers to those who are leaving the
homosexual lifestyle through the power of Christ. Contact Frank Worthen,
453.6475, or visit for more information.
Please explore our Christ-centered ministry of hope for the homosexual.
Our ministry is designed to help people struggling with homosexuality leave
their past lifestyle and to fully embrace their true identity in Jesus Christ.
New Hope upholds God's standard of righteousness and holiness which declares
homosexuality is sin, but also affirms that His love and redemptive power are
able to bring wholeness and restoration to the entire individual, including his
or her sexuality.
Bellevue Baptist Church - Cordova, Tennessee
2000 Appling Rd.
Cordova, TN 38016
Bellevue Baptist Church
P.O. Box 1210
Cordova, TN 38088-1210
Associate Pastor: Mike Dougharty
Director, Communications and Media: Jim Barnwell
Mission Statement of Bellevue Baptist Church
Bellevue Baptist Church exists for the purpose of:
Magnifying Jesus through worship and the Word.
Moving believers in Jesus toward maturity and ministry, and
Making Jesus known to our neighbors and the nations.
Posted on the site is the text of "Message from the Southern Baptist
Convention" including:
In the spirit of Christ, Christians should oppose racism, every form of greed,
selfishness, and vice, and all forms of sexual immorality, including adultery,
homosexuality, and pornography.
Otherwise no official statement from the church itself.
Germantown Baptist Church - Germantown, Tennessee
9450 Poplar Ave.
Germantown, TN 38139
901.260.5725 (fax)
Senior Pastor: Sam Shaw
Executive Pastor: Pete DeMoss
They have a really long "what we believe" page. Here are some excerpts that may
"Because Baptists are diverse, we allow for the freedom to disagree on many
issues and still co-exist. Faithful and honest Christians can draw different
conclusions on some of the 'gray areas' of life. However, we do not 'seek unity
at any price.' There are certain theological doctrines that we consider to be
The president of the Southern Baptist Convention speaks for one person only -
himself. He is a representative of all Southern Baptists, but he doesn't speak
for any Baptist other than himself. His power is in the appointments he makes
to determine who serves on denominational agency boards, such as the Sunday
School Board, Board of Trustees for Baptist seminaries, etc. He has no say in
local church doctrine, government or decisions.
We are certainly missions-minded at GBC. We feel it is our responsibility to
fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord. This means we are to go out into
society and tell people about the gospel of Christ. For those who receive it,
we are to teach them about God and His Word.
We voluntarily give to the 'Cooperative Program,' the joint fund that provides
support for all our missionaries and seminaries around the world. We feel we
can support more people and do more missions through a cooperative effort,
though each church is free to support any Christian mission work as God leads,
whether or not the work is Baptist. We at GBC support both the Cooperative
Program and other mission projects locally, nationally, and globally.
In reading all of this, are you comfortable being a Christian in a Baptist
church? You can see that with no creed but the Bible, belief in the priesthood
of all believers, and the autonomy of the local church, Baptists are a diverse
lot. Our ultimate goal is to introduce people to a personal relationship with
Jesus, and help them to grow in Godliness and in obedience to the Scriptures.
It is our desire that whenever any Baptist is asked 'What faith are you?', he
would first reply, 'I'm a Christian,' before he says 'I'm a Baptist.'"
No official statements about gays found on the website, although LIA is listed
on their GBC Ministries page. Also included is "Sidewalk Counseling" where they
ambush women in front of abortion clinics.
Grace Evangelical Church - Memphis, Tennessee
9750 Wolf River Blvd
Germantown, TN 38139
901.756.9695 (fax)
Pastor: Dr. James R. Young, III
Core Values of Grace Evangelical Church
Truth (2 Timothy 3:16; James 1:22)
The primary way that God establishes His rule is through the teaching and
application of the inspired Word of God.
Lofty View of God (Isaiah 6)
We value a hunger for God; this hunger prompts in us: holy living - a hatred of
sin and the love of righteousness.
A demand for excellence in all we do.
An increasing involvement in private and corporate worship.
Freedom in Christ (2 Corinthians 3:17; Galatians 5:1)
Loyalty, not to man, but to Christ; our ethic is found in emulating Christ in
the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Biblical Family Unit (Ephesians 6:1-4; Deuteronomy 6; Genesis 2:4-9)
Our ministry is designed to strengthen the family, not undercut it; we are
eager to define aright the biblical role of male leadership and see it lived
out in the lives of men and fathers.
The Blessings and Demands of being in the Covenant Community (Acts 2:42-47;
Ephesians 4:11-13,16)
The great privileges of family-like relationships, demanding a stewardship of
our spiritual gifts, our time, and our resources.
Small Groups (Acts 20:20; Mark 3:14)
Our primary vehicle of discipleship is small groups of up to 15-17 people where
accountability is fostered, relationships are formed, and where personal
holiness is encouraged.
Site lists LIA as a "Community Missionary"
Second Presbyterian Church - Memphis, Tennessee
4055 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111
Senior Minister: Rev. Sanders L. (Sandy) Willson
Pastoral Executive: Rev. Darrin S. (Rocky) Anthony
Congregational Care: Rev. Paul W. Swets
A Presbyterian Church standing squarely in the Reformed confessional tradition
Our mission is given to us by Jesus Himself and His apostles. We summarize His
purpose for us by saying:
The mission of Second Presbyterian Church is to glorify God through joyful
worship, to show God's love to all people, to lead them to faith in Jesus
Christ, to make them His disciples, and to call them to His service.
Our first and highest calling is to worship God. We intend to be a church who
regularly expresses our love, praise, thanksgiving, and commitment to God as a
Our second most important mission is to love our neighbor - in two ways: first
of all, by learning and seeking to meet the needs of our church family, our
community, and our world and, secondly, by actively encouraging everyone to
mature into the likeness of Christ. There are three engagements that we
continually encourage among our people:
Worship (Personal and corporate prayer and worship)
Fellowship (Caring and mutually accountable relationships)
Growth (Increasing knowledge and lifestyle changes)
What is Second’s stand on controversial issues, like homosexuality and divorce?
Second welcomes all seekers and believers into our fellowship. However, we do
have doctrinal standards that guide our positions on subjects like
homosexuality, divorce and remarriage. If you’d like more information about
this, contact Chuck Jacob in Christian Education department at 454-0034 ext.
Central Church - Collierville, Tennessee
2005 Winchester Blvd.
Collierville, TN
Senior Pastor: Rev. Ernie H. Frey
We believe in . . .
The Divine Creation of Man and the Universe.
The Verbal Inspiration of the Word of God and its consequent absolute
One God, existing and manifesting Himself in Three Persons: Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit.
The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Man.
The Pre-Existence of the Lord Jesus Christ as God, the Son.
The Fall of man, his moral depravity, and his need of regeneration.
The Atoning Work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the "Whosoever Will" gospel for
all mankind.
The Personality of the Holy Spirit, who is the seal and witness of salvation.
Justification by faith and the imparting of the divine nature to all who accept
Jesus Christ as Lord.
The Eternal Punishment of all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Resurrection of the body, both of the just and unjust.
That our Lord Jesus will personally Return and set up His Kingdom upon earth
wherein He will reign righteously.
No official statement was found on the site, but homosexuality is included in a
discussion of "controversial topics" and an ex-gay man from LIA teaches in one
of the "Overcomers" classes.
Christ United Methodist Church - Memphis, Tennessee
4488 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38117
Senior Minister: Dr. Bill Bouknight
Our mission is to glorify God as we make, mature and mobilize disciples of
Jesus Christ. As we look toward our future, we feel called:
To reach more pre-Christians in Shelby County, particularly in our local area
To serve as a reconciliation center, especially in Binghampton, where we are
committed to transforming the neighborhood and the lives of those who live
To take "a cup of cold water and the Gospel" around the world, especially to
people located in the 10/40 window where 97 percent of the people who have
never heard the Gospel live
To continue to exert a reforming influence within the United Methodist Church
Christ United Methodist Church has two focus areas:
an international focus concentrating on the 10/40 window, and locally, a focus
on the Binghampton neighborhood. Binghampton is located north of Poplar Avenue,
south of Summer Avenue, east of East Parkway and west of Holmes Road.
Listed on their missions page is LIA and also Life Choices the fake abortion
clinic. As it states above they focus on ministering to people in Asia, who
they say "are heavily influenced by another major world religion, and their
beliefs and superstitions limit their daily lives in practical ways. The
religious leaders strongly oppose Christianity and warn people not to accept
Christian literature." SUPERSTITIONS? Yuck. Also: "pre-Christians" is another
patronizing term.
No statements on homosexuality found on the website.
Hope Presbyterian Church - Memphis, Tennessee
8500 Walnut Grove Rd
Cordova, TN 38018
901.754.7605 (fax)
Senior Pastor: Dr. R. Craig Strickland
For their "Beliefs" section they refer you to the Evangelical Presbyterian
Church website...
All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved
submission in all areas of life. The infallible Word of God, the sixty-six
books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and unified witness to God’s
redemptive acts culminating in the incarnation of the Living Word, the Lord
Jesus Christ. The Bible, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the
supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks.
On this sure foundation we affirm these additional essentials of our faith.
1. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things,
infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. To Him be all honor, glory and praise forever!
2. Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh through His miraculous
conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. He who is true God became
true man united in one Person forever. He died on the cross a sacrifice for our
sins according to the Scriptures. On the third day He arose bodily from the
dead, ascended into heaven where, at the right hand of the Majesty on High, He
now is our High Priest and Mediator.
3. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify Christ and to apply the saving work of
Christ to our hearts. He convicts us of sin and draws us to the Savior,
indwelling our hearts. He gives new life to us, empowers and imparts gifts to
us for service. He instructs and guides us into all truth, and seals us for the
day of redemption.
4. Being estranged from God and condemned by our sinfulness, our salvation is
wholly dependent upon the work of God’s free grace. God credits His
righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation,
and thereby justifies them in His sight. Only such as are born of the Holy
Spirit and receive Jesus Christ become children of God and heirs of eternal
5. The true Church is composed of all persons who through saving faith in Jesus
Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit are united together in the
body of Christ. The Church finds her visible yet imperfect, expression in local
congregations where the Word of God is preached in its purity and the
sacraments are administered in their integrity, where scriptural discipline is
practiced, and where loving fellowship is maintained. For her perfecting she
awaits the return of her Lord.
6. Jesus Christ will come again to the earth—personally, visibly, and bodily—to
judge the living and the dead, and to consummate history and the eternal plan
of God. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” (Rev. 22:20)
7. The Lord Jesus Christ commands all believers to proclaim the gospel
throughout the world and to make disciples of all nations. Obedience to the
Great Commission requires total commitment to “Him who loved us and gave
Himself for us.” He calls us to a life of self-denying love and service. “For
we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Eph. 2:10)
The Bible clearly states that homosexual behavior as a sin.
God forgives repentant sinners. As Christians who are ourselves sinner
redeemed by the grace of God, we must reach out to those persons who are
struggling with homosexuality, offering them the word of hope that is the
Gospel to the end that they may experience true wholeness through the freeing,
renewing grace of God in Jesus Christ. “So if the Son sets you free, you will
be free indeed.” (John 8:36) (See Appendix: “Guidelines for Christian Ministry
to Homosexuals.”)
Unrepentant homosexual behavior is incompatible with the confession of Jesus
as Lord, which is required of members of the EPC.
Unrepentant homosexual behavior is incompatible with the ordination vows for
the offices of Deacon, Ruling Elder and Teaching Elder.
First Evangelical Church - Memphis, Tennessee
735 Ridge Lake Blvd.
Memphis, TN 38120
901.682.8937 (fax)
Senior Pastor: Dr. Howard Clark
First Evangelical Church exists to communicate the word of God to produce
faithful followers of Jesus Christ who love, worship and serve Him for the
glory of God.
Articles of Belief
We believe in the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired
by God, and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are of supreme and
final authority in faith and life.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the
Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.
We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned, and
thereby incurred, not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which
is separation from God, and that all human beings are born with a sinful
nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners
in thought, word and deed.
We believe that the Lord Jesus died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in
Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood.
We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His
ascension into heaven and His present life there for us as High Priest and
We believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will personally return and set
up His Kingdom wherin He will rule and reign in righteousness.
We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born again
of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the
blessedness of the saved, and the retribution of the lost
No information on the website about homosexuality, and furthermore LIA is NOT
listed on the "Missionaries" page. Here is what they say about that:
Due to the sensitive nature of their assignments, not all Missionaries can be
listed here. Please contact the church office for information regarding a
Missionary you wish to contact that is not listed above.
Sermon from Dr. Howard Clark - 8/8/04
Straight and Narrow: "Sexual Sanity" (audio only, no transcription)
I listened to this whole sermon! Aiiiigh.
Among other things he talks about how condoms DO NOT protect against AIDS.
HUH?? He cites "scientific fact" and weird numbers and basically says that 1 in
3 people who have sex with a condom will get AIDS. BOOOOOO.
No mention of homosexuality though, just about how sex should always be within
a marriage between a man and woman.
Kirby Woods Baptist Church - Memphis, Tennessee
6325 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38119-4714
901.682.1747 (fax)
Pastor: Dr. Robert C. Pitman
"Kirby Woods is a loving and exciting fellowship of believers. It is our desire
to minister to you and to encourage you and to bless you.
"Kirby Woods is a Bible-believing congregation. We believe that God's Word is
absolutely true without any mixture of error. The Bible is perfect, inerrant
and infallible. We teach God's Word in Sunday School, in Church Training, and
at all worship services. We believe that the Bible works for today's world,
that it makes a difference in people's lives. You will enjoy the strong
emphasis on Scripture in this Family of Faith called Kirby Woods Baptist
No statements on homosexuality on website. This is a Southern Baptist Church.
Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church - Palos Park, Illinois
12312 South 88th Ave.
Palos Park, Illinois 60464
708.448.5331 (fax)
Senior Pastor: Rev. James R. Tony
Associate Pastor: David Carlton
PPPCC is a community of faith called by God to
Know God’s Word,
Grow in Christ’s love,
Go in the Spirit of service.
No statements regarding gays on website.
Evangelical Covenant Church - International Falls, Minnesota
1631 First Ave East
International Falls, MN 56649
218.283.3365 (phone)
218.283.4326 (fax)
Senior Pastor: Larry Connors
Pastor: Alan Johnson
The four-fold vision and goal of the Evangelical Covenant Church is to exalt
the Lord, evangelize the lost, edify the believer, and equip the saints.
No statement found on website. LIA is NOT listed on their supported
missionaries page.
Brit Hadasha Congregation - Memphis, Tennessee
6320 Quail Hollow Road
Memphis, TN 38120
General and Website:
Another listed email:
[booo this site makes me a little ill]
We Exist:
To bring glory and honor to G-d and to lift up the name of His Son, Yeshua.
To be a house of worship and prayer for all peoples.
To develop strong and mature believers in Yeshua of all ages, to be lovers of
G-d, to be filled with His Spirit, to know His truths, to walk in them and to
obey Him.
To develop a caring community in Yeshua who will serve one another in love and
reflect the love of G-d for all people.
To maintain, cultivate and pass on a Messianic Jewish calling and expression of
our faith in Yeshua, through observing the Sabbath, keeping the Feasts, being
Torah and New Covenant observant in lifestyle and worship.
To share our faith in Yeshua by word and deed, to our Jewish people first and
to all peoples.
To share a vision and train the Church in the Jewish roots of their faith as
well as to their calling and responsibility to love, pray for, support and
witness to the Jewish people.
To be a part of the end time restoration movement of the nation of Israel
culminating in the final return of Yeshua; and to support through prayer,
finances, and other resources, ministries who are committed to this end.
We Believe:
The Bible, consisting of the Tenach (Old Covenant Scriptures) and the B'rit
Hadasha (New Covenant Scriptures), to be the inspired and the only infallible,
authoritative Word of G-d (II Timothy 3:16-17).
There is one G-d as declared in the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4), who is "Echad," a
compound unity, eternally existent in three persons--G-d the Father, G-d the
Son, and G-d the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 48:16-17, Ephesians 4:4-6).
In the Deity of our Lord, Messiah Yeshua, in His virgin birth, in His sinless
life, in His miracles, in His vicarious atoning death, in His bodily
resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His personal
future return to this earth in power and glory to rule.
That man, through his sin, is separated from G-d (Isaiah 59:2) and only by
repentance and by faith in Yeshua's sacrificial death can he be cleansed and
reconciled to G-d (Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 1:18-21).
In the present ministry and gifts of the Ruach Ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit) by
whose indwelling power the believer is enabled to live a holy life.
In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto
eternal life, and they that are lost unto eternal separation from G-d.
In the unity of all believers in Messiah Yeshua, and that all are now
partakers of the spiritual inheritance of Israel (I Corinthians 7:17-19,
Galatians 3:26-29, Ephesians 2:11-18).
In the partaking of the communal elements of the matzoh (unleavened bread) and
the cup (fruit of the vine), as instituted by Yeshua Ha Mashiach at His last
Passover meal; that the elements are symbolic of the Lord's death and His
resurrection (I Corinthians 11:23-34).
In the immersion of believers (mikveh) as commanded in the scriptures as an
outward sign of an inward salvation experience, symbolizing the death of the
old man and the resurrection unto newness of life (Matthew 3:16, Matthew
28:18-20, Romans 6:1-6).
No mention of LIA on their Supported Ministries page. No mention of views on
First Assembly of God - Andrews, Texas
302 NW 10th St
Andrews, TX 79714
No church website. Andrews is a small town with 10-13,000 people.

-- Edited by wappy at 09:22, 2005-07-04

Must Read for self-education - REAL Love in Action
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