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Post Info TOPIC: iVillage message boards

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iVillage message boards

Well , I've posted the link to Free Z on several boards there , like Parenting, hot topics , religion , morality etc . And guess what , it got deleted on Cristian Families board by iVillage . Reason - inapropriate for this board . The post got shot down within minutes

So far the most responsive is 20's something board .

Now I'm thinking of 'attacking' Oprah's boards .

-- Edited by ahrb at 20:51, 2005-07-06



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Posts: 9

I don't waste my time in religious boards anymore; I never saw a more narrow-minded uptight buch of ****s.
I got booted for saying a s s and showing them where it appears in the bible 82 times.

Queers in Action

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Posts: 95

queers wrote:

I don't waste my time in religious boards anymore; I never saw a more narrow-minded uptight buch of ****s.
I got booted for saying a s s and showing them where it appears in the bible 82 times.

I don't blame you. I wouldn't go there either. Weird that for most religions teaching love and tolerance, people twist religion constantly!
I haven't had much luck on any other boards, so I'm sticking to letter writing, research, and article writing.

Must Read for self-education - REAL Love in Action
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